고객소리 HOME 고객센터 고객소리 작성자 비밀번호 제목 파일 Hi, If you see this, you may be considering studying abroad in Canada. I've lived here for about 2 months, also I am here alone by myself. Most people probably worry about studying abroad. When I arrived here, I felt lonely for 3 days but if you go to school or language school, your loneliness will be out of sight. I didn't speak English well and my writing and listening was all bad, but I often felt better and accepted. Why? If you stay in Canada, you HAVE TO make Canadian friends. They could teach you English and it's really good for you. When you see this you Will probably think, "How can I start to talk with them?" or "I don't speak English fluently so I can't do it well". Yeah, I thought that too but you have to speak English for your sake. Many people say you shouldn't make Korean friends in Canada. of course, but I think you have to get Korean friends because they could be prop up you. but you always have to speak English when you talk with them.Finally, You have to say and no question asked. If you're grammar is wrong, it's okay, they can understand what you mean. Please don't be shyIf you have any questions, ask Youhak Link 유학링크! 왼쪽의 숫자를 입력하세요. 목록보기 취소